Wendy Everett, LMT
Wendy Everett, Licensed Massage Therapist

Wendy Everett is a Licensed Massage Therapist by the State Medical Board of Ohio and is certified in Fertility Massage, Prenatal Massage, and Postpartum Massage. The lack of high quality prenatal massage services in the area led to this becoming the focus of her practice. She believes that pregnant women are greatly benefited from massage at all stages of motherhood. She has the training and experience to provide an excellent, results-oriented massage in a safe and appropriate manner. She also gives lectures and demonstrations about Prenatal Massage to other massage therapists. Wendy's expertise also includes advanced training in Craniosacral Therapy, Reiki, Neuromuscular Therapy (Trigger Point) and she offers Swedish massage for relaxation and Deep Tissue massage for therapeutic issues. Many of her prenatal clients have continued with her services after their children are born.

Schedule an appointment with Wendy at her new location in Clintonville!

Located at 3763 North High St, Suite D Columbus, OH 43214

 Please contact Wendy directly at 614.425.2635 or

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